Nithin Nagaraj
Current Affiliation:
Associate Professor, Consciousness Studies Programme, School of Humanities, National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), IISc. Campus, Bengaluru. (Oct’18 onwards)
– IEEE Senior member (Oct’19) and past member of the Executive Committee of IEEE Computer Society, Bangalore Chapter.
Previous affiliations:
Oct’15 – Oct’18: Assistant Professor, Consciousness Studies Programme, National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bengaluru.
Sep’13 – Sep’15: Lead Scientist, Biomedical Signal Analysis Lab, GE Global Research, Bengaluru.
Dec’08 – Aug’13: Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri Campus in Kerala.
Adjunct faculty at National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bangalore (Aug’12 – July’13).
Visiting post-doctoral student at City University of Hong Kong (CityU), in Dr. K W Wong’s lab for the period June-August 2011.
Visiting Faculty at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER-P), Pune for the period Aug-Nov’08.
Educational Background:
PhD: Defended in Jan 2010, School of Natural and Engineering Sciences, National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) under the guidance of Prof. Prabhakar G. Vaidya.
PhD thesis is titled: “Novel Applications of Chaos Theory to Coding and Cryptography“.
MS: Master of Science thesis (2001) titled “Motion-SPECK: A Set Partitioned Embedded Moving Color Picture Coder“, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, under the guidance of Prof. William A. Pearlman.
Neurochaos Learning (NL): When Chaos & Noise Meet Machine Learning (with Harikrishnan NB)
Chaos and Noise are ubiquitous in the Brain. Inspired by the chaotic firing of neurons and the constructive role of noise in neuronal models, we for the first time connect chaos, noise and learning. In this paper, we demonstrate Stochastic Resonance (SR) phenomenon in Neurochaos Learning (NL). SR manifests at the level of a single neuron of NL and enables efficient subthreshold signal detection. Furthermore, SR is shown to occur in single and multiple neuronal NL architecture for classification tasks — both on simulated and real-world spoken digit datasets, and in architectures with chaotic maps as well as Hindmarsh–Rose spiking neurons. Intermediate levels of noise in neurochaos learning enable peak performance in classification tasks thus highlighting the role of SR in AI applications, especially in brain inspired learning architectures.
For further details, see: arXiv:2102.01316 [q-bio.NC]
Published in Neural Networks: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2021.06.025
ChaosNet: A Chaos based Artificial Neural Network Architecture For Classification (with Harikrishnan NB, Aditi Kathpalia and Snehanshu Saha)
Inspired by chaotic firing of neurons in the brain, we propose ChaosNet—a novel chaos based artificial neural network architecture for classification tasks. ChaosNet is built using layers of neurons, each of which is a 1D chaotic map known as the Generalized Luröth Series (GLS) that has been shown in earlier works to possess very useful properties for compression, cryptography, and for computing XOR and other logical operations. In this work, we design a novel learning algorithm on ChaosNet that exploits the topological transitivity property of the chaotic GLS neurons. The proposed learning algorithm gives consistently good performance accuracy in a number of classification tasks on well known publicly available datasets with very limited training samples. Even with as low as seven (or fewer) training samples/class (which accounts for less than 0.05% of the total available data), ChaosNet yields performance accuracies in the range of 73.89%−98.33%. We demonstrate the robustness of ChaosNet to additive parameter noise and also provide an example implementation of a two layer ChaosNet for enhancing classification accuracy. We envisage the development of several other novel learning algorithms on ChaosNet in the near future.
For further details, see: arXiv:1910.02423v1 [cs.LG], arXiv:1905.12601 [q-bio.NC]
Published in Chaos (AIP): https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5120831
Causality Testing (with Aditi Kathpalia)
Causality testing, the act of determining cause and effect from measurements, is widely used in physics, climatology, neuroscience, econometrics and other disciplines. As a result, a large number of causality testing methods based on various principles have been developed. Causal relationships in complex systems are typically accompanied by entropic exchanges which are encoded in patterns of dynamical measurements. A data compression algorithm which can extract these encoded patterns could be used for inferring these relations. This motivates us to propose, for the first time, a generic causality testing framework based on data compression. The framework unifies existing causality testing methods and enables us to innovate a novel Compression-Complexity Causality measure. This measure is rigorously tested on simulated and real-world time series and is found to overcome the limitations of Granger Causality and Transfer Entropy, especially for noisy and non-synchronous measurements. Additionally, it gives insight on the `kind’ of causal influence between input time series by the notions of positive and negative causality.
For further details, see: https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.04538
Published in PeerJ-CS: https://peerj.com/articles/cs-196/
Information, Complexity and Consciousness (with Mohit Virmani)
Quantifying integrated information is a leading approach towards building a fundamental theory of consciousness. Integrated Information Theory (IIT) has gained attention in this regard due to its theoretically strong framework. However, it faces some limitations such as current state dependence, computationally expensive and inability to be applied to real brain data. On the other hand, Perturbational Complexity Index (PCI) is a clinical measure for distinguishing different levels of consciousness. Though PCI claims to capture the functional differentiation and integration in brain networks (similar to IIT), its link to integrated information theories is rather weak. Inspired by these two approaches, we propose a new measure – Φ^C using a novel compression-complexity perspective that serves as a bridge between the two, for the first time. Φ^C is founded on the principles of lossless data compression based complexity measures which characterize the dynamical complexity of brain networks. Φ^C exhibits following salient innovations: (i) mathematically well bounded, (ii) negligible current state dependence unlike Φ, (iii) integrated information measured as compression-complexity rather than as an infotheoretic quantity, and (iv) faster to compute since number of atomic bipartitions scales linearly with the number of nodes of the network, thus avoiding combinatorial explosion. Our computer simulations show that Φ^C has similar hierarchy to <Φ> for several multiple-node networks and it demonstrates a rich interplay between differentiation, integration and entropy of the nodes of a network. Φ^C is a promising heuristic measure to characterize the quantity of integrated information (and hence a measure of quantity of consciousness) in larger networks like human brain and provides an opportunity to test the predictions of brain complexity on real neural data.
For further details, see: https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.08450
Published in Heliyon: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405844017338318
Neural Signal Multiplexing (with K R Sahasranand)
Transport of neural signals in the brain is challenging owing to neural interference and neural noise. There is experimental evidence of multiplexing of sensory information across population of neurons, particularly in the vertebrate visual and olfactory systems. Recently, it has been discovered that in lateral intraparietal cortex of the brain, decision signals are multiplexed with decision-irrelevant visual signals. Furthermore, it is well known that several cortical neurons exhibit chaotic spiking patterns. Multiplexing of chaotic neural signals and their successful demultiplexing in the neurons amidst interference and noise, is difficult to explain. In this work, a novel compressed sensing model for efficient multiplexing of chaotic neural signals constructed using the Hindmarsh-Rose spiking model is proposed. The signals are multiplexed from a pre-synaptic neuron to its neighbouring post-synaptic neuron, in the presence of 10,000 interfering noisy neural signals and demultiplexed using compressed sensing techniques.
For further details, see: https://arxiv.org/abs/1601.03214
Perspectives on Complexity (with Karthi Balasubramanian)
There is no single universally accepted definition of “Complexity“. There are several perspectives on complexity and what constitutes complex behaviour or complex systems, as opposed to regular, predictable behaviour and simple systems. We explore the following perspectives on complexity: “effort-to-describe” (Shannon entropy H, Lempel-Ziv complexity LZ), “effort-to-compress” (ETC complexity) and “degree-of-order” (Subsymmetry or SubSym). While Shannon entropy and LZ are very popular and widely used, ETC is a recently proposed measure for time series. We also propose a novel normalized measure SubSym based on the existing idea of counting the number of subsymmetries or palindromes within a sequence. We compare the performance of these complexity measures on the following tasks: a) characterizing complexity of short binary sequences of lengths 4 to 16, b) distinguishing periodic and chaotic time series from 1D logistic map and 2D H\'{e}non map, and c) distinguishing between tonic and irregular spiking patterns generated from the “Adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire” neuron model. Our study reveals that each perspective has its own advantages and uniqueness while also having an overlap with each other.
For further details, see: https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.00607
Aging and Cardiovascular Complexity (with Karthi Balasubramanian)
As we age, our hearts undergo changes that result in a reduction in complexity of physiological interactions between different control mechanisms. This results in a potential risk of cardiovascular diseases which are the number one cause of death globally. Since cardiac signals are nonstationary and nonlinear in nature, complexity measures are better suited to handle such data. In this study, three complexity measures are used, namely Lempel–Ziv complexity (LZ), Sample Entropy (SampEn) and Effort-To-Compress (ETC). We determined the minimum length of RR tachogram required for characterizing complexity of healthy young and healthy old hearts. All the three measures indicated significantly lower complexity values for older subjects than younger ones. However, the minimum length of heart-beat interval data needed differs for the three measures, with LZ and ETC needing as low as 10 samples, whereas SampEn requires at least 80 samples. Our study indicates that complexity measures such as LZ and ETC are good candidates for the analysis of cardiovascular dynamics since they are able to work with very short RR tachograms.
For further details, see: https://peerj.com/articles/2755/
Ph.D. students (ongoing):
Harikrishnan NB, NIAS (December 2018 – current). Topic: Investigations Into Learning Algorithms In Intelligent Machines
Anand Ganesh, NIAS (August 2020 – current). Topic: Topics in Model Analysis
Ph.D. (graduated):
Aditi Kathpalia, NIAS (August 2016 – Feb. 2021). Thesis title: Theoretical and Experimental Investigations into Causality, it’s Measures and Applications (successfully defended thesis on Feb. 22, 2021)
Karthi Balasubramanian (successfully defended thesis June 2016, @ Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri), is currently serving as a faculty at Amrita University, Coimbatore campus. His thesis is titled “A New Complexity Measure for Time Series Analysis and Classification”.
Please see: Nithin Nagaraj, Karthi Balasubramanian, Sutirth Dey, “A New Complexity Measure For Time Series Analysis and Classification“, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 222, pp. 847–860, 2013. (link) (download MATLAB/Python program for ETC)
1) Introduction to Scientific Theories of Consciousness (Aug. – Dec. 2020)
2) Topics in Information Theory, Chaos and Causal Learning (Jan. – May 2020)
3) Learning in the Presence of Noise (Jan. – April 2019)
4) Topics in Information Theory, Learning and Causal Inference (Aug. – Nov. 2018)
5) Causality Testing and Its Applications (Jan-May’18)
6) Topics in Information, Coding Theory and Chaos with applications to Consciousness Studies (Aug-Dec’17)
7) Scientific Theories of Consciousness-II: Measuring Consciousness (Jan-May’17)
8) Scientific Theories of Consciousness-I: Mathematical Methods (Aug-Dec’16)
1) MA 607 Probability Theory and Linear Algebra (Jan-May’13, MTech VLSI)
2) VL603 Digital Signal Processing and Processors (Jan-May’12, S2 MTech VLSI)
2) EC 426 Wavelet based signal processing and applications (July-Dec’10,S7 ECE – elective)
3) EC 431 Wavelet based signal processing and applications (July-Dec’12, S7 ECE – elective)
4) VL 713 Wavelets and Applications (July-Dec’12, S3 MTech VLSI elective)
5) WN 602 Digital Signal Processing (July-Dec’10, S1 MTech WNA)
6) EC 304 Information Theory and Coding Techniques (Jan-May’10, Jan-May’12, S6 BTech ECE)
7) VL713 Cryptography (Jan-May’10, S2 MTech VLSI – Elective)
8) EC 203 Signals and Systems (July-Dec’09, S3 BTech ECE)
9) EC 603 Digital Signal Processing (July-Dec’09, S1 MTech VLSI Design & S1 WNA)
10) VL713: Cryptography (Jan’09 – May’09, S2 MTech VLSI – Elective)
1) MTH-332: An Introduction to Cryptography (Aug’08 – Dec’08, @IISER, Pune)
Book (Edited Volume):
Self, Culture and Consciousness: Interdisciplinary Convergences on Knowing and Being. (Editors: Menon S, Nagaraj N, and Binoy V V) Springer Nature, March, 2018. Available on Amazon
Book chapters:
1. Nithin Nagaraj. ” Measuring Consciousness in the Clinic.” Biomedical and Clinical Engineering for Healthcare Advancement. (Editor: N Sriraam) IGI Global, 2020. pp. 66-77. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-0326-3.ch004 (link) (link)
2. Nithin Nagaraj, and Mohit Virmani. ” Is ‘Information’ Fundamental For a Scientific Theory of Consciousness?” Self, Culture and Consciousness: Interdisciplinary Convergences on Knowing and Being. (Editors: Menon S, Nagaraj N, and Binoy V V) Springer Nature March, 2018. (preprint)
3. Nithin Nagaraj, and Karthi Balasubramanian. “Measuring Complexity of Chaotic Systems With Cybernetics Applications.” Handbook of Research on Applied Cybernetics and Systems Science. IGI Global, April 2017. pp. 301-334. (link)
International Conference Proceedings:
MMLA: Modeling, Machine Learning and Astronomy, First International Conference, MMLA 2019, Bangalore, India, November 22–23, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Editors: Snehanshu Saha, Nithin Nagaraj, Shikha Tripathi), Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer.
Snehanshu Saha, Nithin Nagaraj. “Measure or infer? Role of modeling and machine learning in modern astronomy“. Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 230, 2173–2175 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1140/epjs/s11734-021-00275-x. (Modeling, Machine Learning and Astronomy. The European Physical Journal Special Topics. ISSN: 1951-6355 (Print) 1951-6401 (Online))
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications:
- Harikrishnan NB, Nithin Nagaraj, “When Noise meets Chaos: Stochastic resonance in Neurochaos Learning“, Neural Networks, Volume 143, November 2021, Pages 425-435. ISSN 0893-6080. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2021.06.025. Available online 29 June 2021. (link to full text)
- Pranay SY, Nithin Nagaraj, “Causal Discovery using Compression-Complexity Measures”, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Volume 117, May 2021, 103724. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbi.2021.103724. (link to full text)
- Aditi Kathpalia, Nithin Nagaraj, “Time-Reversibility, Causality and Compression-Complexity”, Entropy 2021, 23(3), 327; https://doi.org/10.3390/e23030327. (link to full text)
- Aditi Kathpalia, Nithin Nagaraj, “Measuring Causality: The Science of Cause and Effect”, Resonance-Journal of Science Education, Volume 26, Issue 2, Feb. 2021, pp. 191-210; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12045-021-1119-y (link to full article) (link to PDF)
- Snehanshu Saha, Nithin Nagaraj, Archana Mathur, Rahul Yedida, Sneha H R, “Evolution of novel activation functions in neural network training for astronomy data: habitability classification of exoplanets“, Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 229, 2629–2738, Nov. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1140/epjst/e2020-000098-9 (view PDF)
- Aahan Singh, Nithin Nagaraj, Srinidhi Hiriyannaiah, Lalit Mohan Patnaik, “ISCG: An Intelligent Sensing and Caption Generation System for Object Detection and Captioning Using Deep Learning“, International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies (IJIIT) 16(4), pp. 51-67. Web. 24 Sep. 2020. doi: 10.4018/IJIIT.2020100104
- Karthi Balasubramanian, Nithin Nagaraj, Sandipan Pati, “Chaos or Randomness? Effect of Vagus Nerve Stimulation During Sleep on Heart-Rate Variability“, IETE Journal of Research (Taylor & Francis), published online, 30 June 2020. https://doi.org/10.1080/03772063.2020.1780165
- Harikrishnan Nellippallil Balakrishnan, Aditi Kathpalia, Snehanshu Saha, Nithin Nagaraj, “ChaosNet: A chaos based artificial neural network architecture for classification”, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Non-linear Science, Vol. 29, No. 11, pp. 113125-1 — 113125-17 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5120831 (Github link here – courtesy – Dr. Pranay S Yadav and Harikrishnan NB)
- Aditi Kathpalia, Nithin Nagaraj, “Causal stability and synchronization”, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Non-linear Science, Vol. 29, 091103 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5121193.
- Aditi Kathpalia, Nithin Nagaraj, “Data-based intervention approach for Complexity-Causality measure”, PeerJ Computer Science 5:e196 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.196, May 2019. (Github link here – courtesy – Dr. Pranay S Yadav)
- Mohit Virmani, Nithin Nagaraj, “A Novel Perturbation Based Compression Complexity Measure for Networks”, Heliyon 5 – e01181. Feb. 2019.
- Nithin Nagaraj, “Using Cantor Sets For Error Detection”, PeerJ Computer Science 5:e171, Jan. 2019.
- Nithin Nagaraj, Karthi Balasubramanian, “Three Perspectives on Complexity: Entropy, Compression, Subsymmetry“, European Physics Journal Special Topics (Special issue: Challenges in the analysis of complex systems), 2017, 226: 3251. https://doi.org/10.1140/epjst/e2016-60347-2. (link)
- Karthi Balasubramanian, Harikumar K, Nithin Nagaraj, Sandipan Pati, “Vagus Nerve Stimulation Modulates Complexity of Heart Rate Variability Differently during Sleep and Wakefulness“, Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, vol. 20, issue 4, pp. 403-407, 2017. (link)
- Nithin Nagaraj, Karthi Balasubramanian, “Dynamical Complexity Of Short and Noisy Time Series: Compression-Complexity vs. Shannon Entropy“, European Physics Journal Special Topics (Special issue: Aspects of Statistical Mechanics and Dynamical Complexity), July 2017, Volume 226, Issue 10, pp 2191–2204. doi:10.1140/epjst/e2016-60397-x (link)
- Karthi Balasubramanian, Nithin Nagaraj, “Aging and cardiovascular complexity: Effect of length of RR tachograms”, PeerJ 4:e2755 Dec. 6 2016.
- Karthi Balasubramanian, Silpa S Nair, Nithin Nagaraj, “Classification of periodic, chaotic and random sequences using approximate entropy and Lempel-Ziv complexity measures”, Pramana – Journal of Physics, Indian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 84, Issue 3, pp. 365 – 372, Feb. 2015. (link)
- Nithin Nagaraj, Karthi Balasubramanian, Sutirth Dey, “A New Complexity Measure For Time Series Analysis and Classification“, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 222, pp. 847–860, 2013. (link) Click here for MATLAB & Python code for ETC
- Nithin Nagaraj, “One-Time Pad as a Nonlinear Dynamical System“, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (Elsevier), Volume 17, Issue 11, pp. 4029–4036, Nov. 2012. doi: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2012.03.020
- Nithin Nagaraj, “Huffman Coding as a Nonlinear Dynamical System“, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (IJBC), Volume: 21, Issue: 6, pp. 1727-1736, 2011. DOI No: 10.1142/S0218127411029392.
- Sahasranand K. R., Nithin Nagaraj, Rajan S, “How Not to Share a Set of Secrets“, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 8, No.1, pp. 234-237, Apr. 2010. (link)
- Prabhakar G. Vaidya, Sajini Anand P. S., Nithin Nagaraj, “A Nonlinear Generalization of Singular Value Decomposition and Its Application to Mathematical Modeling and Chaotic Cryptanalysis“, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, Vol. 112, No. 2, pp. 205-221 (Published Online on 23 Jan. 2010), doi:10.1007/s10440-010-9560-z.
- Nithin Nagaraj, and Prabhakar G. Vaidya, “Multiplexing of Discrete Chaotic Signals in Presence of Noise“, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 19, 033102, July 2009. doi:10.1063/1.3157183
- Nithin Nagaraj, “A Dynamical Systems Proof of Kraft-McMillan Inequality and its Converse for Prefix-free Codes”, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 19, 013136, March 2009. doi:10.1063/1.3080885
- Nithin Nagaraj, Prabhakar G. Vaidya, Kishor G. Bhat, “Arithmetic Coding as a Non-linear Dynamical System”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 1013-1020, Apr. 2009. doi:10.1016/j.cnsns.2007.12.001
- Nithin Nagaraj, Mahesh C. Shastry, and Prabhakar G. Vaidya, “Increasing Average Period Lengths by Switching of Robust Chaos Maps in Finite Precision”, European Physics Journal – Special Topics, vol. 165, pp. 73–83, 2008. doi.org/10.1140/epjst/e2008-00850-4
- Nithin Nagaraj, Vivek Vaidya, and Prabhakar G. Vaidya, “Re-visiting the One-Time Pad”, International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 6, No.1, pp. 94-102, Jan. 2008. (link) (PDF)
- William A. Pearlman, Asad Islam, Nithin Nagaraj, and Amir Said, “Efficient, Low-Complexity Image Coding with a Set-Partitioning Embedded Block Coder,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , Vol. 14, pp. 1219-1235, Nov. 2004. doi: 10.1109/TCSVT.2004.835150. (PDF)
Click here to see Google Scholar Citations
Please note: In some of the above publications, the copyrights are held by their publishers. The pdf files provided here may be used only for single copies for personal use, as though they were reprints provided by mail. They may not be re-posted on other web sites or used for any other purpose without the express permission of the appropriate publishers.
Harikrishnan NB, Nithin Nagaraj, “Why does Neurochaos Learning work? The Role of Chaos and Noise in Neurochaos Learning”, Conference on Nonlinear Systems & Dynamics (CNSD-2021), Sastra University (online), Dec. 22, 2021 (ORAL-HNB).
Anand Ganesh, Nithin Nagaraj, “Dynamical Analysis of Recursive Neural Networks”, Conference on Nonlinear Systems & Dynamics (CNSD-2021), Sastra University (online), Dec. 18, 2021 (ORAL-AG).
Aditi Kathpalia, Nithin Nagaraj, “Causal Criteria for Synchronization”, Conference on Nonlinear Systems & Dynamics (CNSD-2021), Sastra University (online), Dec. 17, 2021 (ORAL-AK).
Nithin Nagaraj, “Infotheoretic Analysis of Short Time Series of Coupled Chaotic Maps: Issues & Challenges”, Conference on Nonlinear Systems & Dynamics (CNSD-2021), Sastra University (online), Dec. 20, 2021 (POSTER).
Nithin Nagaraj, “Problems with first-order infotheoretic measures on short sequences”, in Proceedings of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Information, 1–15 December 2021, MDPI: Basel, Switzerland, doi:10.3390/IECI2021-12073. (link to abstract and video presentation) (link to slides)
Aditi Kathpalia, Nithin Nagaraj, “Information-theoretic Underpinnings of the Effort-to-Compress Complexity Measure”, in Proceedings of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Information, 1–15 December 2021, MDPI: Basel, Switzerland, doi:10.3390/IECI2021-11957. (link to abstract) (link to slides)
Abhishek Nandekar, Preeth Khona, Rajani MB, Anindya Sinha, Nithin Nagaraj, “Causal Analysis of Carnatic Music Compositions“, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/CONECCT52877.2021.9622710. (ORAL-AN-online) (link)
Nithin Nagaraj, “The Exclusion Axiom of Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness“, The 24th meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC24), Tel-Aviv, Concurrent Talks (online), June 16. 2021 (ORAL) (link)
Harikrishnan NB and Nithin Nagaraj, “Neurochaos Inspired Hybrid Machine Learning Architecture for Classification“, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (SPCOM 2020), IISc. Bengaluru (Virutal Conference), July 20-23, 2020. (ORAL-HNB-online) (link to the conference schedule) (link to the conference proceedings) (link to the video presentation) (Github link to the code – courtesy – Dr. Pranay Yadav and Harikrishnan N B)
Harikrishnan NB and Nithin Nagaraj, “A Novel Chaos Theory Inspired Neuronal Architecture”, IEEE conference on Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (IEEE GCAT), Bengaluru, Oct. 18, 2019. (ORAL-HNB) (preprint) (proceedings)
Nikita Agarwal, Aditi Kathpalia and Nithin Nagaraj, “Distinguishing Different Levels of Consciousness using a Novel Network Causal Activity Measure“, IEEE conference on Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (IEEE GCAT), Bengaluru, Oct. 18, 2019. (ORAL-NN) (preprint) (proceedings)
Aditi Kathpalia, Nithin Nagaraj, “A Novel Compression Based Neuronal Architecture for Memory Encoding”, Computing and Networking for Smart Healthcare (CoNSH) Workshop in International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN ’19), January 4, 2019, Bangalore,India. (ORAL- AK) (link) (proceedings)
Srilakshmi P, Karthi Balasubramanian, Nithin Nagaraj, Sandipan Pati, “Multiscale Analysis of Heart Rate Variability Using Subsymmetry and Effort-to-Compress Complexity Measures”, INDICON-2018, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, Dec. 17, 2018. (ORAL – SP) (proceedings)
Aditi Kathpalia, Nithin Nagaraj, “Detecting Anticipating and Complete Synchronization using Causality Testing Methods”, Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics (CNSD-2018), School of Computational and Integrative Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Oct. 12, 2018. (POSTER – AK)
Aditi Kathpalia, Nithin Nagaraj, “Deciphering Anticipation Synchronization using Causality Testing Methods”, International Conference on Causality in the Neuro- and Psychological Sciences, Univ. of Antwerp, Belgium, Sep. 20, 2018. (ORAL- AK)
Abhijith MA, Aishwarya N, Aswathi G, Krishnapriya M, Aditi Kathpalia, Nithin Nagaraj, “Structured Compressed Sensing Matrices for Causality Detection”, 3rd IEEE Intl. Conf. on Recent Trends in Elec., Info. & Comm. Tech. (RTEICT 2018), May 18 – 19 , 2018, Bengaluru. (ORAL – AN) (proceedings)
Aditi Kathpalia, Nithin Nagaraj, “Measuring Causality using Compression-Complexity”, Brain Modes 2017, National Brain Research Center, Gurugram, Dec. 11-14, 2017. (POSTER- AK)
Aditi Kathpalia, Nithin Nagaraj, “A New Approach to Causality Based on Compression-Complexity”, The Science of Consciousness (TSC 2017), June 5-10, 2017, La Jolla, California. (Abstracts link) (ORAL – AK)
Mohit Virmani, Nithin Nagaraj,”Towards Measuring Consciousness By A Compression-Complexity Approach“, The Science of Consciousness (TSC 2017), June 5-10, 2017, La Jolla, California. (Abstracts link) (ORAL – MV)
Suresh Jois, Nithin Nagaraj, “A Study of Two Measures of Integrated Information in Brain Networks“, The Science of Consciousness (TSC 2017), June 5-10, 2017, La Jolla, California. (Abstracts link) (POSTER, presented on our behalf by Mohit Virmani & Aditi Kathpalia) (arXiv:1706.09570v1 [q-bio.NC])
Aditi Kathpalia, Nithin Nagaraj, “ On the Limitations of Causality Measures in Neuroscience”, BSSE Annual Research Symposium 2017: Computational Bioengineering, 27 – 28 January 2017, IISc. Bengaluru. (Abstracts link) (ORAL – AK)
Nithin Nagaraj, K. R. Sahasranand, “Separating a Heterogeneous Mixture of Chaotic Signals using Compressed Sensing”, Conference on Nonlinear Systems. & Dynamics (CNSD 2016), IISER Kolkata, Dec. 16 – 18, 2016. (Proceedings) (ORAL – NN)
Nithin Nagaraj, K. R. Sahasranand, “Neural Signal Multiplexing via Compressed Sensing“, IEEE Intl. Conf. on Signal Processing & Communications (IEEE SPCOM 2016), IISc., Bengaluru, 12 – 15 June, 2016. 10.1109/SPCOM.2016.7746641 (ORAL – KRS) arXiv:1601.03214 [cs.IT] (IEEE Link)
Mohit Virmani, Nithin Nagaraj, “Integrated Information Theory – a candidate for nonreductive theory of Consciousness”, Young Researchers’ Conference in Cognitive Science, University of Hyderabad, 27-29 March 2016. (POSTER – MV)
Nithin Nagaraj, “Entropy and the Neuron: Insights from Information Theory”, International Conference on Consciousness, Cognition and Culture: Implications for the 21st Century, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bengaluru, Dec 9 – 11, 2015. (ORAL)
Karthi Balasubramanian, Nithin Nagaraj, “Automatic Identification of Devanagari Script Texts using Complexity based Measures“, Conference on Nonlinear Systems. and Dynamics (CNSD), IISER Mohali, March 13-15, 2015. (ORAL – KB)
Karthi Balasubramanian, Nithin Nagaraj, “Comparative Analysis of Lempel-Ziv and ETC Complexity Measures”, International Conference on Perspectives in Non-Linear Dynamics (PNLD 2013), Univ. of Hyderabad, July 15-18, 2013. (ORAL – KB)
Nithin Nagaraj, KW Wong, KN Sriram, “Master-Slave Coupled Chaotic Synchronization based Robust Source Coding”, International Conference on Perspectives in Non-Linear Dynamics (PNLD 2013), Univ. of Hyderabad, July 15-18, 2013. (POSTER)
Nithin Nagaraj, “When Information Meets Chaos: Applications of Symbolic Dynamics“, invited talk at Mini-Symposia on Time Series Analysis and Fractals, National Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics (NCNSD 2012), IISER Pune, 14 July, 2012. (ORAL)
Karthi Balasubramanian, Gayathri R Prabhu, Lakshmipriya VK, Maneesha Krishnan, Praveena R and Nithin Nagaraj, “Classification of Periodic, Chaotic and Random Sequences using NSRPS Complexity Measure”, National Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics (NCNSD 2012), 12 – 15 July, 2012. (ORAL – KB)
Remya Ajai A.S., and Nithin Nagaraj, “A Novel Methodology for Memory Reduction in Distributed Arithmetic Based Discrete Wavelet Transform“, Procedia Engineering Vol. 30 (2012) 226 – 233. This paper was presented at Intl. Conf. on Comm. Tech. and System Design (ICCSTD 2011), Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Ettimadai Campus, Coimbatore, December 7-9, 2011. (ORAL – RA) (LINK)
Nithin Nagaraj, Mathew Shaji Kavalekalam, Arjun Venugopal T., and Nithin Krishnan, “Lossless Compression and Complexity of Chaotic Sequences“, National Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics (NCNSD-2011), Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, January 27-30, 2011. (ORAL-NN) (arXiv)
Nithin Nagaraj, “Exchange Chaotic Synchronization and its Applications to Secure Cryptographic Key Exchange on an Insecure Channel“, International Conference on Perspectives in Non-Linear Dynamics (PNLD), IISc., Bangalore, July 26-29, 2010. (POSTER-NN)
Nithin Nagaraj, and Prabhakar G. Vaidya, “Multiplexing of Discrete Chaotic Signals in the Presence of Noise“, National Conference on Non-linear Systems and Dynamics, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, March 5, 2009. (ORAL-NN)
Nithin Nagaraj, and Prabhakar G. Vaidya, “Perfect Secrecy Systems, Lossless Compression and Logic Gates: An unifying theme using Nonlinear Dynamical Systems”, International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Turbulence, IISc., Bangalore, July 17-22 2008. (POSTER-NN)
Sajini Anand P.S., Nithin Nagaraj, Prabhakar G. Vaidya, “Imprecise Synchronization: A Study“, International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Turbulence, IISc., Bangalore, July 17-22, 2008. (POSTER-SA)
Nithin Nagaraj, and Prabhakar G. Vaidya, “Joint Source Coding, Channel Coding, and Encryption using Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Approach“, Proceedings (Narosa Publishers, New Delhi [2009]) of the Intl. Conf. on Recent Developments in Nonlinear Dynamics, held at the Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli, India during 7-9 , February 2008. (ORAL-NN)
Nithin Nagaraj, and Prabhakar G. Vaidya, “A Non-linear Dynamical Systems Approach to Source Coding“, National Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics, Jan 3-5, 2008. (ORAL-NN)
Nithin Nagaraj, Prabhakar G. Vaidya, and Rajesh Sundaresan, “A Dynamical Systems Approach to Source Compression for Constrained Sources“, Non-linear Dynamics and Chaos: Advances and Perspectives, 17-21 September 2007, Aberdeen, UK. (ORAL-NN)
Nithin Nagaraj, Mahesh C. Shastry, and Prabhakar G. Vaidya, “Switching of non-linear dynamical systems and its effect on round-off induced periodicity with applications to pseudo-random number generation“, Non-linear Dynamics and Chaos: Advances and Perspectives, 17-21 September 2007, Aberdeen, UK. (POSTER-NN)
Nikhil Balaji, and Nithin Nagaraj, “Cryptanalysis of a Chaotic Encryption Algorithm“, National Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics, Jan 3-5, 2008. (POSTER-NN)
Pavan Tallapragada, Nithin Nagaraj, and Prabhakar G. Vaidya, “Coding and Decoding Programs using Chaotic Dynamical Systems“, National Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics, Jan 3-5, 2008. (POSTER-PT)
Nithin Nagaraj, Mahesh C. Shastry, and Prabhakar G. Vaidya, “Stochastic switching of deterministic chaotic systems on a finite precision computer: Implications to chaos and randomness“, International Conference on Stochastic Applications, IISc., Bangalore, July 2007. (POSTER-NN)
Prabhakar G. Vaidya, Sajini Anand P.S., and Nithin Nagaraj, “A Non-linear Generalization of Singular Value Decomposition and its Application to Cryptanalysis“, International Instructional workshop / conference on Applied Multi-variate data Analysis with Applications to Life, Social and Environmental Science, Hyderabad, Jan 16-20, 2008. (ORAL-SA)
Prabhakar G. Vaidya, and Nithin Nagaraj, “Foundational issues of Chaos and Randomness: God or Devil, Do We Have a Choice?“, In: Proceedings of Foundations of Sciences. Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture (PHISPC), editor BV Sreekantan, New Delhi, pp. 1-17, 2006. (LINK) (PROC)
Nithin Nagaraj, Prabhakar G. Vaidya, and Kishor G. Bhat, “Joint Arithmetic Coding and Encryption using Chaotic Maps“, National Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Coding, Complexity, Computation and Cryptography, IISc., Bangalore, July 20-22nd, 2006 (arXiv) (ORAL-NN)
Mahesh C. Shastry, Nithin Nagaraj, and Prabhakar G. Vaidya, “A Generalization of the Logistic Map and its Applications in Generating Pseudo-Random Numbers“, International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation, LNMIIT, Jaipur, India, December 12-15, 2006. (arXiv) (ORAL-MS)
Nithin Nagaraj, and Shekhar Dwivedi, “CxCxC: Compressed Connected Components Labeling Algorithm“, Proceedings Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 2007: Image Processing, vol. 6512, pp. 65123M, March 2007. (link) (POSTER-NN)
Prabhakar G. Vaidya, Nithin Nagaraj, and Sajini Anand, “Topological Derivatives and other Embeddings for Ocean Floor Tsunami Data“, poster presented at International Conference on Tsunami & Non-linear Waves, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Salt Lake, Calcutta, India, March 6-10, 2006. (POSTER-NN)
Nithin Nagaraj, Yogisha Mallya, “On the Use of Lossless Integer Wavelet Transforms in Medical Image Segmentation“, Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 2005: Image Processing, vol. 5747, pp. 1913–1924, April 2005. (PDF) (POSTER-NN)
Girish Gopalakrishnan, Tim Poston, Nithin Nagaraj, Rakesh Mullick, Jerome Knoplioch, “Implicit Function-based Phantoms for Evaluation of Registration Algorithms“, Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 2005: Image Processing, vol. 5747, pp. 1310-1316, April 2005. (PDF) (POSTER-GG)
Srikanth Suryanarayanan, Rakesh Mullick, Yogish Mallya, Vidya Kamath, and Nithin Nagaraj, “Automatic Partitioning of Head CTA for Enabling Segmentation“, Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 2004: Image Processing, vol. 5370, pp. 410-419, May 2004. (PDF) (ORAL-SS)
Nithin Nagaraj, William A. Pearlman and Asad Islam, “Block Based Embedded Color Image and Video Coding“, Proceedings of SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing: Multimedia Technologies for Embedded Systems, vol. 5308, pp. 264–275, January 2004. (PDF) (ORAL-WP)
Nithin Nagaraj, Sudipta Mukhopadhyay, Frederick Wheeler and Ricardo. S. Avila, “Region of Interest and Windowing Based Progressive Image Transmission Using JPEG2000“, Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 2003: PACS and Integrated Medical Information Systems, vol. 5747, pp. 382-391, May 2003. (PDF) (POSTER-NN)
Nithin Nagaraj, “A Very Low-Complexity Multi-resolution Prediction-based Wavelet Transform Method for Medical Image Compression“, proceedings of the IEEE: TENCON Conference on Convergent Technologies for Asia-Pacific Region, vol. 2, pp. 525-528, October 2003. (PDF) (ORAL-NN)
Nithin Nagaraj and Rakesh Mullick, “Zero-Distortion Lossless Data Embedding“, Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 2004: Image Processing, vol. 5370, pp. 1906-1913, April 2004.(PDF) (POSTER-NN)
S. V. Bharath Kumar, Nithin Nagaraj, Sudipta Mukhopadhyay and Xiaofeng Xu, “Block-based Conditional Entropy Coding for Medical Image Compression“, Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 2003: Image Processing, vol. 5033, pp. 375-381, May 2003. (PS) (POSTER)
Sudipta Mukhopadhyay, Nithin Nagaraj, Xiaofeng Xu, Frederick W. Wheeler, Saad Sirohey and Robert Sigal , “TruRez: A FastWavelet-based Multi-resolution Image Compression Scheme for Medical Images“, InfoRad presentation, RSNA 2002. (DEMO-SM)
Please note: The copyrights to these publications are held by their publishers. The pdf files provided here may be used only for single copies for personal use, as though they were reprints provided by mail. They may not be reposted on other web sites or used for any other purpose without the express permission of the appropriate publishers.
What is Consciousness?, (along with Anand Ganesh), Nightingales Elders Enrichment Centre, Malleswaram, Bengaluru, December 13, 2021.
The Fascinating World of Chaos & Fractals, Foundation Program lecture, online, IIT Jammu, December 4, 2021.
“ABC” – AI, Brain & Consciousness: The Incompatible Trinity of the 21st Century, Concepts of Consciousness – Neuroscience & Indian Philosophical Perspective, Center for Consciousness Studies, NIMHANS, International Webinar, September 30, 2021. (YouTube link)
NL: Neurochaos Learning – Neuroscience Meets Machine Learning, Zoho Corp (Online) September 6, 2021.
Neurochaos Learning: When Neuroscience Meets Machine Learning, distinguished lecture, 2021 IEEE SPS Summer School on Deep Learning for Sensor Signal Analytics, CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh (Online), August 3, 2021.
‘Siribhoovalaya’, Magic Squares and Beyond, NIAS-SERB Online Workshop on Algorithms in the Indic Tradition, June 11, 2021.
Neurochaos Learning, spotlight session of the General Machine Learning & Natural Language Processing Day, OCUPAI’21, Philips Innovation Campus, Bengaluru (online), June 2, 2021.
Research Methodology in Computer Science, invited session, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Calicut, Webinar, May 25, 2021.
From Good Reading to Great Writing, as a part of Module 7: Reading & Writing – Multidisciplinary Reflections of “Research Writing and Communication Course” – a free online 2-credit course via Zoom, NIAS Consciousness Studies Programme, April 27, 2021.
Brain-inspired Machine Learning, International I-Brain Erasmus+ round table, CCCP-2020 Online Symposium, Moscow, December 12 2020.
Consciousness, Self and AI: The Present and The Future, Unconventional Learning module, 35th Tata Group eMerging Leadership Seminar (TGeLS), Tata Management Training Center (TMTC), online, October 22, 2020.
Minds and Machines: The Future of AI and Consciousness, (along with Prof. Sangeetha Menon), TCS eLS session on “Unconventional Learning” , Tata Management Training Center (TMTC), online, Sep. 30, 2020.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Consciousness, Reading Glass Thematic Discussion (along with Harikrishnan NB), Consciousness Studies Programme, NIAS, Bengaluru (online), August 26, 2020.
AI: From Turing to Sophia, as a part of the online International Workshop “Facets of AI”, July 15, 2020.
Neuro-Chaos Inspired Machine Learning, ISE-Webinar Series on Industry and Research Perspective on Data Science, organized by Department of Information Science and Engineering-NMIT, UNISYS India Pvt. Ltd., and IEEE Student Branch Chapter, June 13, 2020.
“Learning” from the Coronaviruses: Genome Classification and Complexity, NIAS Wednesday Discussion meeting (online – along with co-speakers Pranay S Yadav and Harikrishnan NB), NIAS, Bengaluru, June 3, 2020.
Novel methods for automatic identification of SARS-CoV-2, NIAS Council of Management, NIAS (delivered online), Bengaluru, May 26, 2020.
AI, Machine Learning & Collective Intelligence, invited lecture (online) as a part of the course on Transdisciplinarity and Collective Knowledge Frameworks, University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Science and Technology, Bengaluru, May 22, 2020.
Introduction to the Mathematics of Machine Learning, refresher course for Computer Science, UGC-HRDC, University of Calicut, January 20, 2020.
Consciousness, Causality & Artificial Intelligence, Student-Scientist interaction, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru, January 14, 2020.
When Neuro-Chaos Meets Machine Learning, keynote lecture, 4th IEEE International conference on Computational Systems and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS-2019), RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, December 21, 2019.
Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning, invited expert for a 1-day workshop as a part of 9th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED 2019), Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam, December 16, 2019.
Consciousness Connectedness (in successful leadership efforts), invited keynote address, National Workshop on Youth Empowerment (NWEY2019), Vivekananda Janoththana Trust, Bengaluru, December 7, 2019. (YouTube link) (Slides)
Re-visiting the XOR problem: from Perceptron to Chaos, Invited guest lecture, Dept. of Comp. Sci. & Engg., PES University, Bengaluru, November 20, 2019.
What is Mathematics?, and Principles of Mathematical Modeling, 2 lectures as a part of Research Methodology course, NIAS, Bengaluru, Nov. 5 & 7, 2019.
Consciousness & Causality: Perspectives from Integrated Information Theory, Kashmir Shaivism and Phenomenology, Reading Glass Thematic Discussion (along with Dr. Shankar Rajaraman and Dr. Saurabh Todariya), Consciousness Studies Programme, NIAS, Bengaluru, October 25, 2019.
A Brief History of the XOR Problem, IEEE Computer Society Experts Lectures (CS Connect), Govt. College of Engg., Karwar Karnataka, October 5, 2019.
When Chaos Theory Meets Machine Learning, IEEE Computer Society Experts Lectures (CS Connect), KLE Technological University, Hubballi, October 4, 2019.
Introduction to Information Theory and its Applications to Machine Learning; Introduction to Chaos Theory and its Applications to Computing and Learning, as a part of GirlGeeks out reach program organized by IEEE Computer Society, Bengaluru Chapter, BMSIT&M, Yelehanka, Bengaluru, September 14, 2019.
The Limits of Knowing in Science and Mathematics, NIAS-DST Training Programme on “Science, Technology and Innovation Policy”, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru, August 22, 2019.
What is Mathematics?, Vidyashilp Academy, Jakkur, Bengaluru, August 13, 2019.
The XOR Problem: From Perceptron to Chaos, IEEE Computer Society Experts Lectures (CS Connect), Central University of Karnataka, Kalaburagi, Karnataka, August 9, 2019.
ChaosNet: Chaos Theory Meets Machine Learning, invited talk at NeuroAI.in: India’s first-ever symposium at the interface of Neuroscience and Data Science, Infosys, Bengaluru, August 3, 2019.
Mathematical Foundations of Neuroscience and Consciousness Studies Research, a series of lectures at NIMHANS, May-August, 2019.
Prospects of Mutlidisciplinary Research, invited talk, NIAS MIAYA Talent search Mentor Mentee Workshop 2019-20, organized by NIAS Gifted Education Programme, NIAS, Bengaluru, May 9, 2019.
An Introduction to Cryptography, Dept. of Computer Science & Engg., RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, April 4, 2019.
The Art and Science of Cryptography: From Ancient to Modern Ciphers, invited Public talk, organized by ISSSP Programme, NIAS, Bengaluru, March 28, 2019.
Introduction to Wavelets and its Applications to Signal/Image Processing, technical talk as a part of 2-day ‘Foundation Course on Image Processing’, Department of Medical Electronics, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, March 12, 2019.
Science of Consciousness, All India Radio Bengaluru, aired on March 8, 2019 at 7.45 pm IST. (click here for .mp3 file)
What can we really know? – The Limits of Knowing, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam, Jan. 4, 2019.
What can we really know? – In Praise of C.I., Reading Glass, Consciousness Studies Programme, NIAS, Bengaluru, Dec. 27, 2018.
From Brains to Machines: The Puzzle of Consciousness, invited talk at Mahindra Research Valley, Mahindra World City, Chennai, October 29, 2018.
The Limits of Knowing, invited talk at The Socratic Club, Mahindra World City, Chennai, October 28, 2018.
Science of Consciousness, invited talk at NIAS-DST Training Programme on Policy for Science and Science for Policies, NIAS, Bengaluru, October 5, 2018.
What is Mathematics?, invited talk at Mallya Aditi International School, Yelehanka, Bengaluru, August 29, 2018.
Causality Testing: Practical Approaches & Challenges, invited talk at Discussion Meeting on ‘Causally Open Systems‘, PPISR campus, Bidlur, Greater Bangalore, July 21, 2018.
ICA, Foundations of Information Theory and Applications to Machine Learning, Workshop on Foundations of Linear Algebra and Machine Learning, PES Institute of Technology, Bengaluru South Campus, July 17, 2018.
Introduction to Chaos & Chaos-Computing, as a part of “Celebrating Computing” technical talk series of the IEEE Computer Society Bengaluru Chapter. This talk was hosted by National Institute of Engineering (NIE), Mysuru as a part of their NIE Summer of Code 3.0, June 2, 2018.
Foundations of Matrix Theory, SVD & PCA With Applications, Workshop on Foundations of Data Science: Theory and Applications, PES Institute of Technology, Bengaluru South Campus, May 17, 2018.
So You Think You Can Count?, NIAS Wednesday Discussion meeting, NIAS, Bengaluru, May 16, 2018.
From Fourier to Wavelets & Beyond, Invited guest lecture, Dept. of Electronics & Communications Engg., PES University, Bengaluru, April 20, 2018.
Claude E Shannon and the birth of Digital Computing & Information Science, inaugural talk of “Celebrating Computing” technical talk series organized by IEEE Computer Society Bengaluru Chapter, PES University, Bengaluru, April 7, 2018.
Altruistic Strategies in Mathematical Games, technical talk at international seminar on “Altruism, Wellbeing and Purpose: Vantage views on planetary life and its meaning from biology, Indian philosophy and the arts”, organized by METI-international and NIAS Consciousness Studies Programme, NIAS Bengaluru, February 1-2, 2018.
Introduction to Wavelet Theory and its Applications, technical talk at workshop on “Real Time Signal Processing and its Applications”, Department of Medical Electronics, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, January 22, 2018.
Mathematical Methods in Neuroscience with Emphasis on EEG Analysis: PCA, ICA & Causality Testing, technical talk at One-day Symposium on “Current Approaches to EEG Analysis”, CNSI-NIMHANS Lecture Series, NIMHANS, Bengaluru, January 19, 2018. (Granger Causality Testing was delivered by Aditi Kathpalia)
Brain-Mind-Machine: Perspectives from Information Theory & Complexity Science, technical talk at one-day workshop on Minds & Machines, Consciousness Studies Programme, NIAS, December 27, 2017. (link)
‘From Teaching To Research and Back’ , Department of Physics, Amrita University, Amritapuri, September 26, 2017.
‘From Teaching To Research and Back’, and ‘Shannon-Style of Research’, workshop on Technologies and Tools for Scientific Research, Department of Computer Science, University of Kerala, Kariavattom Campus, September 25, 2017.
Introduction to Complexity Theories of Consciousness, and Introduction to Research Methods in Consciousness Studies, 2 lectures as a part of CSP Module (An Introduction to Mind, its Functions and Purpose) for First Semester Foundation Course (1 credit), NIAS, Bengaluru, Sep. 1 & 8, 2017.
Complexity Theories of Consciousness, Seminar and Student-Scientist Interaction on Modeling and Research in Neuroscience, PES University Campus, Bengaluru, August 18 -19, 2017.
Teaching to Research and Back; My experiences of writing successful and unsuccessful project proposals, FDP at BMSIT&M, Bengaluru, July 27, 2017.
A Dialogue and Interactive Session on “Beyond the Binary: Exploring Causality and Consciousness”, along with Sangeetha Menon and Shankar Rajaraman NIAS Consciousness Studies Programme (I spoke on Mathematical Approach to Causality (and Consciousness), NIAS Wednesday Discussion, July 26, 2017.
The Limits of Knowing in Science and Mathematics (and the role of Spirituality), Science and Spirituality Club, ISKCon, Bengaluru, March 26, 2017.
Research Methods in Consciousness Studies, lecture as a part of Research Methodology course, February 21, 2017.
‘Information’, Evening Philosophy Chat, organized by NIAS Consciousness Studies Programme & Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR), on the occasion of World Philosophy Day, NIAS, November 17, 2016.
Uncertainty, Evening Philosophy Chat, NIAS Consciousness Studies Programme, NIAS, October 20, 2016.
The Models For Consciousness, Syntalk (#TMTC along with Prof. Amita Chatterjee and Prof. V N Jha), Mumbai, October 1, 2016. (link)
“The Art and Science of Cryptography”, “Introduction to Communications, Information and Coding Theory”, “The Limits of Computing, Thinking and Knowing”, invited lectures delivered as a part of refresher Course in Computer Science for College/University teachers, UGC-Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), University of Calicut, August 26, 27, 2016.
Foundational Ideas of Mathematics, a set of two lectures as a part of NIAS Foundation course, NIAS, August 23, 2016.
The Life & Work of Claude E Shannon: Celebrating 100 years of Shannon, workshop delivered at IEEE Symposium on Education, Technology and Entrepreneurship (ISEE 2016), IEEE Student Branch, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam, August 7, 2016.
What is Mathematics?, Second Summer Workshop under NIAS Gifted Education Programme during 12-14th May, 2016
Uncertainty, Undecidability, Unpredictability: The Limits of Computing, Thinking and Knowing, NIAS Wednesday Discussion, April 20, 2016.
Research Activities at Consciousness Studies Programme at NIAS, S-VYASA, November 5, 2015.
From Fourier to Wavelets and Beyond, a workshop delivered at IEEE Symposium on Education, Technology and Entrepreneurship (ISEE), IEEE Student Branch, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam, August 8-9, 2015.
y=Ax, The Singular Value Decomposition, Introduction to Compressed Sensing and Applications, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, May 27, 2015.
Uncertainty, Undecidability, Unpredictability: The Limits of Science, Logic and Computation, PES Institute of Technology (PESIT), Bengaluru, April 24, 2015.
A Gentle Introduction to Chaos, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, April 13, 2013.
Chaos – and its applications to Communications and Computing, Invited Talk, National Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (NCACC 2013), Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattoor, Kerala, March 22, 2013.
When Information Meets Chaos: Applications of Symbolic Dynamics, Invited Talk, Mini-Symposia on Time Series Analysis and Fractals, National Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics (NCNSD 2012), IISER Pune, 14 July, 2012.
The Art and Science of Cryptography, Break-the-Code Challenge and How to Read/Write a Research Paper, Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattoor, Kerala, May 16, 2012.
Foundational Ideas of Mathematics, as a part of Foundation Course for 1st Year PhD students, National Institute of Advanced Studies, IISc. Campus, Bangalore, November 7-8, 2011.
The Art and Science of Cryptography & Break-the-Code Challenge, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, September 29, 2011.
Compressed Sensing: An Introduction, Samsung India Software Operations (SISO), Bangalore, June 24, 2011.
Appreciation of Mathematics for Engineers, a set of 7 lectures to a few highly motivated students of S7 ECE, Amritapuri, June 8 – 11, 2011.
Chaos in 1-Dimensional Maps, GE Global Research Center, John F. Welch Technology Center, Bangalore, May 19, 2011.
Chaos and Cryptography, A short course offered (jointly with Prof. Prabhakar G. Vaidya (NIAS)) at the invitation of Department of Mathematics, University of Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia, April 13-15, 2011.
An Introduction to Compressed Sensing, Dept. of Electronics and Comm. Engg., National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal, March 23, 2011.
An Introduction to Compressed Sensing, Tutorial Session, IEEE LINK Face2Face Meet ECLECTIC’11, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Amritapuri, March 6, 2011.
Excursions into Mathematics: Some Beautiful Ideas, as a part of Foundation Course for 1st Year PhD students, National Institute of Advanced Studies, IISc. Campus, Bangalore, November 11-12, 2010.
The Fascinating World of Cryptography, Sree Buddha College of Engineering, Pattoor, Kerala, August 18, 2010.
The Art and Science of Cryptography, lectures to class 9-11 kids, Rishi Valley School, July 31, 2010.
From Teaching to Research and Back, Faculty Development Program, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, July 12, 2010. (this talk was presented jointly with Br. Jayaraj Poroor of Amrita Research Labs)
Chaos, Randomness & Cryptography, Prajnaamrita Lecture Series, Poornaprajna Institute of Scientific Research, Bangalore, June 17, 2010.
Chaos and Communications, Prajnaamrita Lecture Series, Poornaprajna Institute of Scientific Research, Bangalore, June 14, 2010.
The Singular Value Decomposition and its Applications, Faculty Development Programme, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, Kerala, Dec 31, 2009.
Introduction to Fourier Representations, Faculty Development Programme, Dept. of Electronics and Communications Engg., Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, Kerala, Dec 28, 2009.
A Brief History of Cryptography, AICTE sponsored National Seminar-Quantum Crptography, College of Engineering Perumon, Kollam, November 20, 2009.
The Art and Science of Cryptography: From Ancient to Modern Ciphers, LNMIIT, Jaipur, August 29, 2009.
Does God Really Need to Play Dice? – On Randomness, Chaos & Cryptography, LNMIIT, Jaipur, August 29, 2009.
How to Read a Research Paper, paper reading session (the paper that was chosen was Shamir’s 1979 classic paper – “How to Share a Secret”), Dept. of Computer Science, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam, 2009.
Introduction to Information and Coding Theory, Faculty Development Program, Dept. of Electronics and Communications, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam, Jan 24-26, 2009.
Novel Applications of Chaos Theory to Coding and Cryptography, National Institute of Advanced Studies, IISc. Campus, May 22, 2009.
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of the Tent Map and its Cousins in Applications to Communications IITM, Chennai, June 5, 2008.
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of the Tent Map, Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc.), Chennai, June 17, 2008.
From Huffman to Arithmetic Coding & Beyond: A Dynamical System Approach to Source Coding, Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, September 27, 2007.
A Dynamical Systems Approach to Source Coding and Encryption, ECE Dept., Indian Institute of Science, March 15, 2007.
Medical Image Compression, Advances in Signal Compression Technology, ISTE-AICTE short term training programme, National Institute of Technology Calicut, Calicut, 06-17 January 2003.
Guest Speaker, Conference on Intellectual Property Rights, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, December 2001.