Indian philosophical Approaches to Mind and Consciousness
Lecture at the Dept of Comparative Religion, Western Michigan University, MI, USA, 6 April 2018
Debates on the Self in Consciousness Studies, and an introduction to NIAS Consciousness Studies Programme
Interactive Session with the Research faculty and Vice President of Program, Fetzer Institute, Kalamazoo, MI, USA, 10 April 2018
Desire, Life purpose and the Altruistic self: A discussion on Indian philosophy
Lecture at the International Seminar on "Altruism, Wellbeing and Purpose: Vantage views on Planetary life, and its meaning from Biology, Indian philosophy and the Arts, JRD Tata Auditorium, National Institute of Advanced Studies, 1 February 2018
Minds and Machines: Debates on the nature of intelligence and experience
Introduction, Seminar at National Institute of Advanced Studies, 27 December 2017.
That which Melts the Heart, but still has a Reason: A First person Approach to Emotions and the Self in the Natyasastra
Lecture at the Seminar on Beyond the Rasa theory: New directions in understanding the Natyasastra, Co-organised by National Institute of Advanced Studies, and Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Southern Regional Centre, NIAS Lectyre Hall, 8 December 2017
Being What Is: Consciousness in Indian traditions, Invited Lecture for the first Indic Thoughts Festival 2017 from 17-18 Dec 2017, Grand Hyatt, Goa, organised by Indian Foundation, New Delhi.
Imagination and Knowledge Acquisition: Exploring the Creative Expressions of the Learning Mind
Chairperson's introduction, ISME South Asia Regional Conference, JRD Tata Auditorium,
National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, 28 November 2017
Body Narratives and the Self: Exploring Consciousness through the Experience-beholder
Invited Lecture, National Conference on "Culture, Design & Cognition" (CDC) 2017, organised by National Institute of Design (NID), Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts - Regional Centre Bangalore (IGNCA RCB) and National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore, 3 November 2017
Beyond Mind: The Self Narratives and the Body of our Times
Invited Lecture, International Conference on "The Fragmented Self: An Interdisciplinary Exploration into the Notions of Self & Identiy in Contemporary Life", Indraprastha College, University of Delhi, Delhi, 30-31 October 2017
Consciousness, Well-being and the Humanising Space
Invited Lecture, International Conference on " Required Architectural Design Wisdom at Habitable Spaces", Brindavan College of Architecture, Bangalore 3-4 October 2017
Distinguishing Concepts – Body, Mind and Consciousness
CSP Module for First Semester 2017 Foundation Course, NIAS PhD Programme “An Introduction to Mind, its Functions and Purpose", National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, 11 August 2017
Body and the Self: A discussion on consciousness and healing
Invited Lecture for Cognitive Neuroscience (CNS) Forum - NIMHANS Lecture series
National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, 5 August 2017
Beyond the Binary: Consciousness and Causality
NIAS Wednesday lecture, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, 26 July 2017
Yoga, Self-reflection and Consciousness
Invited Lecture for the Yoga Day celebration of Indian Institute of Science, Faculty Hall, 21 June 2017
Mental Health and Managing Life Stress, Chief Guest's Lecture on the occasion of International Women's day function, Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory (NPOL), DRDO, Cochin, 8 March 2017
Self, Purpose in Life, and Consciousness: Interdisciplinary thinking and Research
Invited Lecture for Psychology students, Mount Carmel College, Bangalore, 1 March 2017
Binaries and the Unitary Consciousness: How Far the Puzzles Have Been Solved?
Invited Lecture for the International Conference "The Problem of Consciousness and the Brain/Brahman Dichotomy", organised by Dept of Philosophy, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, J&K, 27-28 February 2017
Altrusim, Self-transendence and Gandhian approach to Peace
Lecture for the National Conference on "Peace and Harmony: India and Canada", organised by UGC Area Study Centre for Canadian Studies, Institute of English, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, 18 February 2017
The Science and Signs of Consciousness: The Western Mind and the Eastern Self
Invited Lecture for the Seminar on "Science and Technology in the Indic Tradition: Critical perspectives and current relevance, Faculty Building, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 5 February 2017
Brain, Emotion and the Artist's Self
Invited Lecture for the International Conference on "Creativity and Cognition in Art and Design" organised by National Institute of Design
and National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bangalore, 20 January 2017
Self-reflection and Self-Management
Lecture Module for the Participants of the Sr. Executives Course Programme, JRD Tata Audiorium, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, 16 January 2017
Beyond the Brain: The Unifying Force of Consciousness
"Theosophy - Science Annual Public Lecture" at the 141st International Convention, International Quarters of Theosophical Society, Adyar Chennai.
(the first woman speaker in the history of this series), 3 January 2017
Lecture Video at
Beyond the Binary:
Wholeness (Purnata) and Consciousness in the Upanishads
Invited Lecture at the International Conference on “Quantum, Reality and Shunya” organised by Indian Council of Philosophical Research and Indian Council of Cultural Relations, Azad Bhavan Auditorium, ICCR, New Delhi, 10 December 2016
Feeling, Knowing and Being: Philosophical Foundations of Interdisciplinary Thinking
Opening Intriduction, World Philosophy Day sponsored by ICPR,
NIAS Lecture Hall, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, 17 November 2016.
Managing the Self: Desire, Conflict and Purpose in the Bhagavad Gita
Keynote Lecture at the International Conference, Nehru School of Management, Nila Gardens, Tiruvilvamala, Trissur, Kerala,
4 November 2016.
Uncertainty: How do I know?
Lecture at the Evening Philosophy Chat, NIAS Consciousness Studies Programme, NIAS Lecture Hall, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, 20 October 2016.
Read Paper -
Philosophy of Imagination
Foundation Course Lecture, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, 5 October 2016.
Philosophy of Mind
Foundation Course Lecture, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, 4 October 2016.
Yoga, Mind and Self-reflection
Lecture at the "Evening Philosophy Chat" meeting of the NIAS Consciousness Studies Programme, NIAS Lecture Hall, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, 22 September 2016. Read Details
The Arts, the Artist and Consciousness
Inaugural lecture of 'Culture and Cognition' lecture series organised by Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Southern Regional Centre, in collaboration with Bangalore International Center, TERI Auditorium, BIC, 29 July 2016
Peace and its Philosophical foundations
Multidisciplinary Debate on "Poli-So-Phical Approach to Peace", Conflict and Post-conflict societies in South Asia, JRD Tata Auditorium, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, 23 June 2016. Read Report
Beyond Disciplinary Limits: The Case of Consciousness Studies & Interdisciplinary Debates
Plenary Speaker at the annual Plenary Session on Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages at the Annual Research Retreat, Jain University, Bangalore, 22 May 2016
Transhumanism, Consciousness and Technology
Invited Lecture on 23 April 2016 at the Two-Day Symposium on the interdisciplinary implications of Norbert Wiener’s work, exploring various applications for the human use of theories of automation (event presented in association with the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bangalore, NASSCOM, and the IEEE India Council) - organised in connection with the International conference - “Thinking Machines in the Physical World”, IEEE 2016 Conference on Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century
Beyond Brain and Mind: Reconciliation through Self-transformation
Invited Lecture at the National Seminar organised by Sri Vishnu Mohan Foundation on
“Peace and Reconciliation: Perspectives from Religion and Philosophy, Chennai, 2-3 March 2016.
Self and Self-transformation: Understanding Experience and Consciousness
Invited Lecture at the Symposium on Understanding Cognition and Consciousness through Music and Meditation, Jointly organized by the Cognitive Psychology Unit, Department of Clinical Psychology & NIMHANS Integrated Centre for Yoga, Bangalore, 8 February 2016.
By the Shore of Consciousness: Healing Waves and Self-transformation
Chief Guest and Conference Inaugural Lecture at the National Conference on “Alternative Perspectives in Psychotherapy”, Kristu Jayanthi college, Bangalore, 2 February 2016.
Introduction to the Dec 2015 NIAS International Conference – “Consciousness, Cognition and Culture: Implications for the 21st Century”
JRD Tata Auditorium, NIAS, Bangalore 9 December 2015.
Body-sense and the Somatic markers: Emotions in Consciousness studies
International Seminar on “Decolonising the Theories of Emotions”, organised by the Institute of English, Centre for Women’s Studies, University of Kerala, and University of British Columbia, in Trivandrum, 11-13 November 2015
INSIGHTS: Exploring Fundamental concepts and Foundational questions
Thematic Introduction for the meeting on "Space", NIAS, 4th July, 2015
Healing and Imagination: The Merge of the Self-other binary
Thematic Introduction for the Evening Philosophy Chat meeting, NIAS, 29 June 2015
Brain-Mind model and Consciousness-Self model: Changing Perspectives
Invited Lecture on the occasion of the inauguration of "Cognitive Neuroscience Society of India", on the Yoga day at (NIMHANS) National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, 21st June 2015
The Ethics of Originality
Lecture at the Panel Discussion on “Understanding Plagiarism in Academia”, NIAS, 1st May 2015
The Outer Self and the Inner Body: Exteriorisation of the Self in Cognitive sciences
Invited Lecture for A Publication oriented one-day workshop, "Reasoning with Value(s):Explorations in the contemporary Milieu"
Indian Institute of Management, Caluctta, 12 March 2015.
Brain and Self: The philosophy of psychology
Keynote Address at the 3rd international conference on "Recent advances in cognition and health", organised by Dept of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Banares, 19-21 Decmber 2014
Beyond Brain and Mind: A discussion on Self and Consciousness
Keynote Lecture at the Conference titled "Mind Matter & Consciousness: Recent Trends in Philosophy and Science" organised by Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavala, 28-29 November 2014
Self, Emotions and the Complex states of mind
Lecture at the Credit Course titled "Behaviour, Cognition, Consciousness", Consciousness Studies Programme, NIAS, Bangalore, 21 November 2014
Brain and the Interconnected Self: Science and Signs of Consciousness
Lecture at the international meeting "Cosmology and Consciousness III – Harmony and Happiness”, Upper Tibetan Children’s Village, Dharamsala, 3-5, November 2014
Wellbeing, Existence and Consciousness
Panel Lecture at the international meeting "Cosmology and Consciousness III – Harmony and Happiness”, Upper Tibetan Children’s Village, Dharamsala, 3-5, November 2014
Beyond Mind: Introduction to Self and Consciousness
Lecture at the Credit Course titled "Behaviour, Cognition, Consciousness", Consciousness Studies Programme, NIAS, Bangalore, 12 September 2014
Self, Emotions and the Complex states of mind
Lecture at the Credit Course titled "Behaviour, Cognition, Consciousness", Consciousness Studies Programme, NIAS, Bangalore, 21 November 2014
Philosophy, philosophical thinking and the Humanities
Lecture for the NIAS Doctoral Students Foundation Course, NIAS, 18 September 2014
Values, mentoring and pedagogic guidelines for Teacher-Student relation
Chief Guest's Lecture at the annual Teachers' day celebration programme of the University of Agricultural sciences, Bangalore, 5 September 2014.
Purpose, Imagination and Common Good
Lecture for the Evening Philosophy Chat group meeting, The Banyan tree, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, 12 August 2014
Self, Desire and Mind
Lecture for the Evening Philosophy Chat group meeting, The Banyan tree, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, 18 July 2014
Brain-Consciousness nexus: Where Science and Philosophy Meet, and Part
Lecture for NIAS-DST Training Programme for Women Scientists, NIAS, February 14, 2014.
Brain, Self and Consciousness: Explaining the conspiracy of experience: An Introduction to Consciousness Studies
NIAS Wednesday Lecture, 27 November 2013, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore
Brain, Body and Consciousness: An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Dialogues in Consciousness Studies
Invited Lecture at Sambodh Centre for Human Excellence, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 2 October 2013.
Consciousness, Self-transformation and Yoga-dharma
Invited Lecture at the International Conference organized by Dept of Religious Studies, University of Southern California, LA, 20 October 2013.
Brain, Being and Consciousness: A discussion in neuroscience and neurophilosophy
Public Lecture, as part of the Lecture series on 'Being in Philosophy' organised by Indian Institute of Technology-Chennai, and Sri Vishnu Mohan Foundation, Chennai, 25 March 2013.
Why 'She' is 'Me'? A comparative discussion on the Body and the Self
Plenary Lecture, International Conference, Tucson Toward a Science of Consciousness series, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, 5 March 2013
Self-Management and the Bhagavad Gita
Invited Lecture organised by National Institute of Personnel Management (Vishaka Chapter) at King Court Hall, Hotel Royal Forte, Vishakapatnam, 7.00 to 8.30 pm, 19 July 2013
Excellence in Learning
Invited Lecture and interactive session at the Sri Prakash Vidya Niketan School for 10th Grade students, Vishakapatanam, 10.00 to 11.00 pm, 18 July 2013.
Public Lecture series (5 lectures) on "The psychology and philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita" for the staff and students of Gitam University, and the public, organised by Gitam University, Vishakapatnam, 15-19 July 2013
1. Sorrow and Ironies of Life
2. Desire and its Discontent
3. Agent and Action
4. Body and Consciousness
5. Knowledge and Freedom
Emotion, Embodiment and Neural Challenges: A discussion on neuropsychiatry and cognitive neurosciences
Visiting Professor's Lecture series, organised by Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, 24 June 2013, 3.00 to 5.00pm.
Brain and Self: Explaining Everyday Experiences
Visiting Professor's Lecture series, organised by Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, 18 June 2013, 3.00 to 5.00pm.
Interdisciplinary Dialogues in Consciousness Studies: An introduction
Visiting Professor's Lecture series, organised by Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, 12 June 2013, 3.00 to 5.00pm.
Why 'She' is 'Me'? A comparative discussion on the Body and the Self
Plenary Lecture, International Conference, Tucson Toward a Science of Consciousness series
Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, 5 March 2013
Creativity and Wellbeing
Resource person's Lecture, National Workshop on Positive Psychology
Mount Carmel College, Bangalore, 7-8 February 2013
Desire, Self, and Healing: Arjuna's predicament, and choice-making, in the Bhagavad Gita
Invited Lecture, International Workshop on Healing, Counselling and Therapy
Jain University Global campus, Bangalore, 13-15 December, 2012
Wellbeing, Happiness and Contentment
Invited Lecture at Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, 9 November 2012
Self: Where is it? Who knows!
Invited Lecture, Symposium on Neurobiology of Cognition
National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, 1-2 November, 2012
Consciousness: A Biologically inspired system science
Discussion Initiative Brief, at the Brain-storming Session for a new 'Centre on Biologically-inspired System Sciences'
IIT-Rajasthan, Jodhpur, 29 September 2012
Signs of Self
Foundation Course for Doctoral Students,
National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, 27 September 2012
Body and Consciousness: Basics of Experience
3rd Summer School on Cognition
National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, 12 July 2012
Watch Videos of the Lecture: Part 1 . Part 2 . Parts 3
Consciousness and the Humanities, Invited Lecture, Refresher Course for Teachers,
Christ University, Bangalore, 1 May 2012.
Self and its Wellbeing
Panel Discussion, "Looking Within: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Consciousness", international conference,
National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, 7 January 2012
Watch Video: Panel Lecture
Self in Neuropsychiatry and Neurophilosophy
Concept Introduction, "Looking Within: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Consciousness", international conference,
National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, 5 January 2012
Watch Video: Concept Introduction
Guided Reading and Writing Course on "Philosophy of Psychology",
January to April 2012, at National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore,
Self in Indian Psyhology
Foundation Course Lecture for Doctoral Students, at National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore,
27 October 2011.
Risk-perception and the Sense of security: A humanities perspective
Invited Lecture at the Brain-storming Seminar on "Risk Perception" at National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, 29 September 2011.
Self at the Edge: Brain and the recent neuropsychiatric narratives
Abstract of paper presented at National Seminar at Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, in collaboration with the Balvant Parekh Centre for General Semantics and Other Human Sciences on "The Enigma of Health: Maladies and the Politics of Healing", 2011
Self and its identity in Experience
Abstract of paper presented for a National meeting in Nava Nalanda Mahavihara, Nalanda on Individuality, Identity and Constitution, with focus on Self in Brain Sciences, 2011
Tracing Self in Neurospsychiatry: A debate on the nature of self and self-identity
Abstract of Panel Presentation at the National Symposium on "Thinking Subjectivities" at Christ University, 2011
Self and Immortality: Nachiketa, the young student's dialogue in the Katha Upanishad
Presentation by Resource person for the International Cortona-India Programme, ETH-Zurich, Hyderabad, 2010
Brain, Self and their Interrelations in Understanding Consciousness
Plenary Lecture for International conference at Dayalbagh Educational Institute, 2010
Truth, Beauty and Goodness: A discussion on the time-tested virtues
AMU University Extension Lecture, Aligarh Muslim University, 2010
Brain Studies, Consciousness and Spiritual Psychology
Valedictory address for the National seminar organised by Dept of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, 30 October 2010.
Self at the Edge: Brain and the recent neuropsychiatric narratives
Invited Lecture for the National Seminar at Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, in collaboration with the Balvant Parekh Centre for General Semantics and Other Human Sciences on "The Enigma of Health: Maladies and the Politics of Healing"
25-27 March, 2011
Self and its identity in Experience
A dialogue with Buddhist scholars at a National meeting in Nava Nalanda Mahavihara, Nalanda on Individuality, Identity and Constitution, with focus on Self in Brain Sciences 25-28 February 2011
Bhagavad Gita, and the place of Value in Consciousness Studies
Special Lecture at Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Golpark, Calcutta for the National Seminar on Bhagavad Gita, 8th January, 2011
Brain and Consciousness: A discussion on the body-sense and the self-sense
Resource Person’s Lecture, “The Brain Matters: Implications of Brain Research for Mental Health”, National workshop at St. Ann’s College for Women, Hyderabad, 16-17 March, 2012
Menon, 2012. Self and its Wellbeing
Panel Discussion, "Looking Within: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Consciousness", international conference, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, 7 January 2012
Menon, 2012. Self in Neuropsychiatry and Neurophilosophy
Concept Introduction, "Looking Within: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Consciousness", international conference, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, 5 January 2012
Risk-perception and the Sense of security: A humanities perspective
Brain-storming Seminar on "Risk Perception and Assessment" at National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, 29 – 30 September 2011.
Wellbeing and its implications for Brain and Consciousness Studies
Plenary Keynote address at the International Conference on Positive Psychology
Amity Institute of Behavioural and Allied Sciences, Jaipur, 6 August 2011
Body-absence and Self-sense: The 'new hard problem' in consciousness studies
NIAS Wednesday Lecture, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore
27 July 2011
Body-sense, Brain-maps and Consciousness: Exploring the Self
Invited Public Lecture organised by the Dept of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai,
21 July, 2011.
Pathways to Excellence and the Road Ahead
Chief Guest's Lecture at the Convocation Programme of the Presidency College, Bangalore
30 April, 2011
Self and subjectivity in Brain Studies: Psychological and Philosophical Implications
University Extension Lecture at Suvidya College Institute for Philosophy and Religion, Bangalore, 10th December, 2010
Self and Immortality: Nachiketa, the young student's dialogue in the Katha Upanishad
Resource-person and lecture for the International Cortona-India Programme, ETH-Zurich
"Science and the Spiritual Heritage of India", 22 November 2010, Hyderabad
For more info See
Puzzles that Self and Brain give for Consciousness
Resource-person and lecture for the International Cortona-India Programme, ETH-Zurich
"Science and the Spiritual Heritage of India", 24 November 2010, Hyderabad
For more info See
Brain Studies, Consciousness and Spiritual Psychology
Valedictory address for the National seminar organised by Dept of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, 30 October 2010.
Self-exploration: Reason, Experience and Spiritual Moorings
Invited Lecture for the IRS officers at NADT (National Academy of Direct Taxes) for their programme on Experience Analysis and Building,
4-7 October, 2010, Nagpur.
Consciousness--Is it housed in the Self, Brain or Both?
Lecture for the International Conference on Transpersonal Psychology
Hotel Ismailovo, Moscow, 24th June 2010
The place of Self in Neuroscience
Lecture for National Seminar on Self and its Emotions, NIAS, Bangalore, 14 June 2010
"The Natural Brain and the 'Super'natural Self"
Invited Lecture for the Conference on Parapsychology at Vizakh University, Vizakahapatnam, 11-12 January, 2010
Invited Panelist representing the ISSR (International Society for Science and Religion, Cambridge) panelson "Science, Spiritual traditions and Environment" at the World Parliament of Religions, 3-6 December 2009, Melbourne, Australia.
Panelists included Nobel prize winner for Medicine (1996), Dr Peter Doherty.
"Brain-challenged Self and Self-challenged Brain"
Invited Lecture for the International conference at Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan, 27-29 November 2009
"Brain, Self and their Interrelations: Fewer Answers, more Questions"
Lecture for the NIAS Wednesday Discussion meeting,
National Institute of Advanced Studies,
18 November 2009
Indian Psychology
Foundation Course Lecture for Doctoral students, NIAS, 19th October 2009
Sourcebook of Indian psychology
Editors and Authors meeting at NIAS 3-4 August 2009
Self and self-transformation
Lecture at international seminar sponsored by Indian Council of Philosophical Research, on 8th January 2009, at National Institute of Advanced Studies.
For pictures see
Sourcebook of Indian psychology
Editors and Authors meeting at ICPR Delhi
Compassion and Conflict
Seminar at Indian Business Academy, Bangalore, 3rd January 2009
Invited Lecture for the Panel discussion on "World Religions and Liberalism"
at the international Whitehead conference, Christ College, Bangalore 6th January 2009.
Transpersonal Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita and Participative Living
Invited Lecture at the Conference on "Bhagavad Gita and Mental Health"
National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore
21st September 2008
Dialogue and Psychotherapy in the Bhagavad Gita
Lecture for "Prasthutha", Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
1st Sepetember 2008
Hinduism and Consciousness
Plenary Lecture at the International Conference on "Hinduism in Changing World--Challenges and Opportunities", organised by The Hindu Centre, 132 Owen Road, Singapore
23rd August 2008
Emotions and Emotional Intelligence
Invited Lecture, Institute for Management, Christ College, Bangalore
30th July 2008
Indian Psychology and Wellbeing
Course Lecture for the Philosophy Summer School, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore
11th June 2008
Consciousness and Experience
Course Lecture for the Philosophy Summer School, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore
4th June 2008
Self-knowledge--on Atmabodha
Invited Lecture at the Sri Aurobindo Aradhana Trust for the Birthday celebrations of The Mother of Pondicherry
21st February 2008
Hymn to Annapurna--The Mother Divine
Invited Lecture at the Sri Aurobindo Aradhana Trust for the Birthday celebrations of The Mother of Pondicherry
21st February 2008
Persistent Puzzles of Consciousness: What is it? Where is it?
Invited Lecture for the International conference on "Consciousness: Recent Advances", Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Calcutta
19 January 2008
Epistemology of Experience: Challenges for consciousness and neuropsychiatric studies
Invited Lecture at the national Conference on Indian Psychology: Theories and Models, organized by Indian Council of Philosophical Research at Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, Bangalore
27 December 2007
Body, Mind and Mystical Experiences
Lecture at National Institute of Advanced Studies
Wednesday Discussion Meeting
19 December 2007
Nectar of Love and its Flow in Consciousness
Plenary Lecture at the national conference on Sacred Love: Bhakti in Indian traditions organized by Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams and Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Sri Venkateshwara University, Tirupati
9 December 2007
Brain and Consciousness: Challenges in Science Spirituality Dialogues
Invited Public Lecture at the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, Nagoya University, Japan, 18 October, 2007
Gestures, Expressions and the Poise: Symbolism in Indian Arts and Dance
Invited Public Lecture at the Institute for Anthropology, Nagoya University, Japan
19th October, 2007
Challenges in Brain and Consciousness Studies,
Invited Public Lecture at the Kyoto Imperial University, Kyoto, Japan
16th October, 2007
Brain and Being Centers of Consciousness
Invited Lecture for the International Conference on Consciousness, Brain Science, and Religion: Some Asian Perspectives
Fu Jen Catholic University, Hsinchuang, Taipei, Taiwan 13th October, 2007
Pace in Space: Theatrical, Gestural and Pictorial Space in Indian Arts
Invited Lecture at the International Conference entitled The Bangalore SPACE & CULTURE International Symposium organised by Leonardo Paris, Arts Catalyst Londoan, Srshti Bangalore, NIAS Bangalore
31st September 2007
Samvada tradition in Indian Philosophy
Foundation Course Lecture at NIAS
28 September, 2007
Body, Embodiment and Enworldment
Lecture for the International conference on Body, Embodiment and Sensory-motor system, NIAS Bangalore
5th September 2007
Mind and Consciousness in the Bhagavad Gita
Lecture at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, London
9th June, 2007 at 2.30pm
Lecture series on the first four chapters of the Bhagavad Gita
at Flat1, Bainton Street, Banbury Road, Oxford. Organised by Dr Shirley Du Boulay (Former BBC correspondent and Program Director for Religious studies)
May-June 2007 (Trinity term)
Neurons, experience, and being: A discussion on consciousness
Shivadasani Lecture, The Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, 11am–12 noon, OCHS 15 Magdalen Street, Oxford OX1 3AE United Kingdom
25 Mayl, 11am–12 noon (this lecture was video documented by Rishi Handa and Millan Handa. For copy of DVD contact Rishi and Milan Handa, Email
Lecture series on "The transpersonal psychology of the Gita"
The Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, 11am–12 noon, OCHS 15 Magdalen Street, Oxford OX1 3AE United Kingdom
May, 2007
this lecture is available thorugh OCHS podcasts subscription; For details click or contact Judit Bajusz @ +44 (0)1865 304300
The concept of Hindu philosophy
Shivadasani Seminar, The Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, 11am–12 noon, OCHS 15 Magdalen Street, Oxford OX1 3AE United Kingdom
14 May, 2–3.30pm
this lecture is available thorugh OCHS podcasts subscription; For details click or contact Judit Bajusz @ +44 (0)1865 304300
Beyond love and love beyond: Hindu and Western ideas of love
Shivadasani Seminar, The Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, 11am–12 noon, OCHS 15 Magdalen Street, Oxford OX1 3AE United Kingdom
3 May, 2–3.30pm
this lecture is available thorugh OCHS podcasts subscription; For details click or contact Judit Bajusz @ +44 (0)1865 304300
The Dance of Emotions: Faces, gestures, and movements
Shivadasani Lecture, The Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, 11am–12 noon, OCHS 15 Magdalen Street, Oxford OX1 3AE United Kingdom
7 May, 11am–12 noon;
this lecture is available thorugh OCHS podcasts subscription; For details click or contact Judit Bajusz @ +44 (0)1865 304300
Self and Consciousness: Perspectives from the Gita and Upanishads
Course Lecture series for MSc students (Psychological Counselling) of Montfort College, Bangalore, 3-5 March, 2007
Emotions, Experience and Consciousness
Invited Lecture for National conference on Facets of Consciousness
Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Kanchipuram, 2 March, 2007
Emotions, Face and Indian Psychology: Discussions on Darwin, Ekman and Natyasastra
Lecture at the workshop on "Indian Philosophical Traditions and Contemporary Thought", NIAS, 8 December 2006
Mind and Consciousness
UGC Course for University Teachers, NIAS, December 2006
Consciousness and Indian psychology
Invited lecture for the students of management and women's studies, Banasthali Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur, 18 November 2006.
Emotions and Consciousness Studies
Invited Lecture for the Anniversary celebrations of Indian Business Academy, New Delhi, 9 October 2006
Self and Consciousness in Advaita Vedanta
Invited Lecture for the National Seminar jointly organized by Indian Business Academy, Bangalore and Madras Development Institute, Chennai, 16 September 2006,
How do I know you? Where do I find you?: A science spirituality dialogue on
consciousness and the Indian discourse
Invited Lecture for International Conference on Science and Spirituality: Global Perspectives
Organised by Interdisciplinary University de Paris and Templeton Foundation
at Hotel The Pavillon Henri IV, Saint Germain en Laye, Paris, 28 July 2006
Indian theories of Mind and Consciousness:
12 June 2006, Lecture for the Summer Course on Philosophy
Brain, Experience and Consciousness: Puzzles and Challenges
10 March 2006, Manipal Institute of Technology.
Indian Theories of Mind and Consciousness: Perspectives from Art, Psychology and Philosophy
10 March 2006, Dept of Architecture, Manipal Institute of Technology
Brain and Consciousness: Views and Challenges
Lecture for the National Institute of Advanced Studies-UGC Teachers' Course, 12 January 2006.
Brain and Being
Lecture at the national conference on "Consciousness, Experience and Ways of Knowing: Perspectives from Science, Philosophy and the Arts", National Institute of Advanced Studies, 6-7 February 2006.
The Rain clouds of Mental Limitations and the Shower of Transcendence: Yoga and Samadhi in Patanjali Yoga Sutra
Invited Lecture at the International Conference on "Yoga and Parapsychology", Andhra University and the Institute for Human Sciences and Services, 3-6 January 2006.
Cognitive and Experiential Foundations of Consciousness and 'Spiritual Agency': Towards a New Epistemology
Invited Lecture at the National Seminar on History Of Science And Philosophy Of Science Conference Room, Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi, 8-9 November 2005
Consciousness, Karma and Wellbeing
Invited Lecture for Sri Aurobindo Aradhana Trust, 26 October 2005, Bangalore.
Hinduism and Science: The past and future of consciousness studies
for 'Into the Future with Knowledge from Our Past' annual lecture series
organised by Sri Tirunarayana Trust, in association with Vidya Vardhaka Sangha (VVS)
First Grade College for Women and Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham,
Sringeri, at VVS College Auditorium, Bangalore,
13th October 2006
Consciousness, Experience and Wellbeing: Classical Indian views and Current Discussions in Science
Invited Plenary Lecture for the National symposium at Dayalbagh Educational Institute deemed University, Agra, on "Education for better worldliness" October 1-2, 2005.
Ways of Knowing and Being
Foundation Course Lecture for NIAS PhD Students 18 August 2005, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore
The Place of Philosophy and Psychology in Multidisciplinary Research in the context of consciousness studies
Foundation Course Lecture for NIAS PhD Students 19 August 2005, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore
Brain and Being: The Science and Spirituality of Consciousness
Invited Lecture for the International meet of the Awardees of the 'Global Perspectives on Science and Spirituality Award' programme, Mont Royal Chateau, Paris, organised by the Interdisciplinary University of Paris, Elon University and supported by Templeton Foundation, 14-18 July 2005.
By the Consciousness Couch: Odd, Regular and Inexplicable Experiences
Lecture for the 'NIAS Wednesday Discussion Meeting', 31 May 2005, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore
Beside the Stream of Consciousness: A Survey of Old and Recent Bridges
Lecture for the 'NIAS Discussion Forum for Consciousness', 31 May 2005, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore
Blind Dancer and the Stunned Onlooker: Nature, Consciousness and Two Ways
of Knowing in Samkhya-Yoga
Invited Lecture for the National Seminar on Nature and Culture, Discussion Meeting of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture 5-6 May, 2005 National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore
How much can we 'talk' about 'mind': Some conceptual puzzles
Invited Lecture for the National Seminar on Language and Mind in Classical Indian Philosophical Traditions, 3-5 March, 2005 University of Hyderabad
Ways of Knowing and Indian philosophy
Course Lectures for NIAS Doctoral Students, National Institute of Advanced Studies Bangalore February 2005
Mind and Consciousness
Course Lecture for NIAS-UGC Teachers Course, Bangalore 14 February 2005
Two Rationalities for One Consciousness: Exploring the Scientific and Mystical Mind
Invited lecture at the international symposium on 'Science and Mysticism: East-West Dialogue',
Indian Institute for Science and Religion, Poona, 2-6 January 2005
Grief and Hope
Invited lecture at the Sri Aurobindo Aradhana Trust, Bangalore, 12 Jan 2005
Persisting Puzzles of Consciousness
Invited lecture at the ICPR panel on 'Consciousness' at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, 1st January 2005
Is Experience the Puzzle for Consciousness?
Invited Lecture at the international conference on cognitive science at Centre for Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences, University of Allahabad, 16-18 December 2004
Healing through love, debate and just being: Instances from Indian traditions
Invited Lecture at the national conference on Indian Psychology 9-13 December 2004.
Experience of Expression: Instances from Indian dramaturgy and
a discussion on 'consciousness'
Invited Lecture in the Spanish city of Melilla on "" at the international conference on Re-connecting Art Science and Spirituality, 18-21 July 2004.
Brain and Consciousness
Public Lecture at Allahabad University, April 2004
Series of lectures for Centre for Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences, Allahabad University, April 2004
Psychology of the Narrative of Adi Sankaracarya and Psychotherapy
Lecture at the UGC refresher course for University teachers held at Academic Staff College, Andhra University, Vizakhapatnam, Dec 15, 2003
Psychology of Spirit and Wellbeing in the Bhagavad Gita
Lecture at the UGC refresher course for University teachers held at Academic Staff College, Andhra University, Vizakhapatnam, Dec 15, 2003
Psychology of Emotions in the Bhagavad Gitaand Arjuna's Depression
Lecture at the UGC refresher course for University teachers held at Academic Staff College, Andhra University, Vizakhapatnam, Dec 12, 2003
Being and Well-being in the Upanishadic literature
Invited lecture at the national conference on "Self and personality in Yoga and Indian psychology", Institute for Yoga and Consciousness, Andhra University and Institute for Human Science and Service, The Park Hotel, Visakhapatnam, December 9, 2003
What is and What is not Indian psychology?
Invited lecture at the Editor's meet, "Indian psychology" series,The Park Hotel, Vizakhapatnam, Dec 8, 2003
Beginning with fundamental questions about consciousness
Invited lecture at the national seminar on "Consciousness, Society and Values, organised by Dept. of Philosophy, Goa University and Institute of Advanced Study, Simla, International Centre, Goa, January 17 2003
Beyond 'what' and what is 'beyond'
Lecture at the Sceince and Spritiual Quest-3 International symposium on "Science and Beyond, Consciousness, cosmology and technology in Indic traditions", National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, January 2003
Samvaada: Psychology of Dialoguing in Indian thought
Lecture at the NIAS-UGC course for University teachers, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, November 10, 2003
Being Self-aware: Some interesting ideas from Atmabodha of Sankaracarya
Invited Lecture at the Sri Aurobindo Aradhana Trust, Bangalore, September 9, 2003.
Where did the snake and the silver disappear: Instances from Indian epistemology
Lecture at the NIAS Wednesday Discussion Meeting, September 17, 2003.
Bring the Best: Challenges and Possibilities for Self-development
Invited lecture for Indian Association of Secretaries and Administrative Professionals, Bangalore, July 19, 2003
Basics, trends and goals of consciousness studies: Current discussions and Indian traditions
Invited talk at Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, May 15, 2003
Foundations of Indian thought
Invited lecture at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan organised by District Lions club and Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Palakkad, Kerala, February 9 2003
Bridging traditions
Panel talk at the VK Krishna Menon memorial lecture on "Science , technology and social change", TKM Hall, Palakkad, February 8 2003
Beginning with fundamental questions about consciousness
Invited lecture at the national seminar on "Consciousness, Society and Values, organised by Dept. of Philosophy, Goa University and Institute of Advanced Study, Simla, International Centre, Goa, January 17 2003
Basics of Consciousness: Asking fundamental questions
Talk at the NIAS Discussion Forum for consciousness, NIAS, January 13 2003
Consciousness Studies: Interdisciplinary Discussions and Indian thinking
Annual Honors Program Lecture at Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia, 10 October 2002
Self-exploration and consciousness in classic Hindu thought
Public Lecture at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 7 October 2002
Blossoms of the beyond: Indian ways of thinking, acting and experiencing, in the context of current discussions on 'consciousness'
Invited seminar at Centre for India Studies, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York, 30 September 2002
Being with Transcendence: Experiencing the Bhagavad Gita
Invited seminar at Centre for India Studies, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York, 28 September 2002
Binding experiences and the 'explanatory gap': Recent multidisciplinary discussions on 'consciousness'
Invited seminar at Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia, 26 September 2002
Love, wisdom and self-realisation in Indian spiritual literature
Public lecture at West Chester, Ohio, 14 September 2002
Being and BEING: Current discussions on 'consciousness' and Yoga traditions
Plenary talk at the thirteenth International Congress of Vedanta, held at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 13th September, 2002
Binding experiences and epistemologies: Instances from Indian philosophy (darsana sastra), Indian psychology (moksa sastra) and Indian dramaturgy (natya sastra) in the context of recent discussions on consciousness
Invited talk at the inaugural conference on Completing the Global Renaissance: The Indic contributions as a part of the series entitled Global Renaissance Series organized by the Columbia Center for Buddhist Studies, Columbia University, and the Infinity Foundation, Princeton, held at Menla Foundation, Woodstock, New York, 28th July 2002
Binding experiences: Looking at being of self and self-transcendences in the context of a discussion on transpersonal psychology of the Bhagavad Gita
Invited talk at the symposium on Bhagavad Gita at the 4th biennial conference of 'World Association for Vedic Studies' held at University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, Massachusetts, 13th July 2002
Being of and Being with consciousness: Essential differences between Indian and contemporary approaches
Invited talk at the symposium on Indian theories and approaches to consciousness at the 4th biennial conference of 'World Association for Vedic Studies' held at University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, Massachusetts, 12th July 2002
Being with BEING: Knowing Advaita Vedanta with focus on 'consciousness'
Invited talk at the Banaglore Chapter of Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Bangalore, May 5 2002
Binding Epistemologies and Experiences
Invited Lecture at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, at the symposium on 'Consciousness', organised by Indian Institute of Advanced Study (Shimla), 18 February 2002
Love and Relationship in the Naradabhakti Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita
Invited Lecture at Sri Aurobindo Aradhana Trust, Bangalore, 13 February 2002
Binding Experiences: Self and Self-transcendences in Indian thought in the context of reecent discussions on 'consciousness'
Invited Lecture atthe interdisciplinary seminar on "Self, Society and Science: theoretical and historical perspectives" organised by Centre for Studies in Civilisations, New Delhi, 24-26 March 2002
Binding the Beyond: Puzzles about consciousness and experience
Invited Lecture at the National Workshop on "Puzzles of Perception", Dept. of Psychology, University of Delhi, 14-16 March, 2002
Binding Experiences for a First-Person Approach: Looking at Indian Ways of Thinking (darsana) and Acting (natya) in the Context of Current Discussions on 'Consciousness'
Infinity Foundation Lecture at the international conference on "Mind and Consciousness:Various Approaches", Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, 9-11 January 2002
Binding Experiences: Revisiting the Bhagavad Gita to look at 'conscious experience' and the 'conscious experiencer' in the context of recent discussions on 'consciousness'
Invited Lecture at the international conference on "Scientific and philosophical Studies on consciousness: Toward a systematic theory", Centre for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, 2-4 January 2002
Participated in the national seminar on "Rethinking Modernity" as a commentator, held at Sri Sankaracharya Sanskrit University, Kalady, Kerala from 16-18 November 2001
Binding Experiences: Looking at the Contributions of Adi Sankaracarya, Tuncettu Ezuttacchan and Sri Narayana Guru in the Context of Recent Discussions on Consciousness Studies
Invited Lecture at 12th Annual Conference of National Academy of Psychology entitled "Psychology in India: Past, Present and Future" held from October 22-24, 2001 at Fatima Mata National College, Kollam, Kerala
By the ways of looking at 'consciousness'
Lecture at the Vivekananda Kendra Institute Bangalore at the seminar on Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness, August 2001
Binding Experiences: The Harder Problem of Consciousness
Presentation at the international seminar on "Science and Metaphysics: A discussion on consciousness and genetics", organised by National Institute of Advanced Studies, Indian Council of Philosophical Research and Templeton Foundation, 2001
A few more questions about 'consciousness'
NIAS NEWS, Newsletter of National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, Vol10.No.1, January 2001
Revisiting the Bhagavad Gita: Love, Wisdom and Self-realisation
Lecture at the Nightingale Centre for the Elderly, Bangalore
Nov24th 2001
Beside the 'Intentor' and the 'Integrator': Looking at the Two 'Faces' of Consciousness
Invited Lecture at the Second International Conference on Integral Psychology, Sri Aurobindo
Ashram, Pondicherry, 6th January 2001 (paper forthcoming in the Proceedings of the
Looking at Mind: Thoughts from Indian Philosophy
Lecture at Choksy Hall, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, on 19th October 2000.
A Digital Panorama: Selections from the Manuscripts Collection of National Museum and National Archives
Presentation of the CD Title(as above), at National Institute of Advanced Studies on
10th August 2000
Behind the Eluding: Tracing the 'known' and the 'unknown'
Lecture at Indian Institute of Advanced Study,Shimla, at the summer school on "Working of
Mind" on 21st June 2000
Unchanging Answers and Changing Questions: On Philosophical Thinking
Lecture at National Institute of Advanced Studies, 29th March 2000
Structure of Mind and Structured Mind
Presentation at the national Seminar organised by Indian Council of Philosophical
Research, in Jaipur/ New Delhi, February 2000.
Scope of NIAS Digital Archiving Method
Presentation at NIAS, 5th November 1999
The Bhakta and the Mind of the Bhakta in the Bhagavad Gita and Narada Bhakti Sutras
International Congress on Vedanta( Theistic Systems and Bhakti Traditions) in
Hyderabad , August 9-12, 1999.
The Selfish Meme and The Selfless Atma: On Self, Selfishness and Selflessness
Lecture at NIAS on 23rd June 1999.
Consciousness: Adi Sankaracharya's View
Centre for the Foundations of Philosophy and Science , New Delhi, 13th May 1999
Consciousness: the past and the present
Lecture at Ma Anandamayi Hall, Bangalore, organised by Veda Adhyayana
Kendra, March 6th 1999.
Understanding the 'What' and 'Where' of Consciousness: Revisiting the Bhagavad Gita to ask a Few more Questions
Lecture at the First National Conference on "Scientific and Philosophical Studies on Consciousness" at NIAS, 11th February 1999.
Consciousness Studies--Current Status of Discussions
Lecture on the Award ceremony Function of the "Gita Puraskaram" Organised
by Bharatiya Vichara Kendra, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, September 1998.
Consciousness-What? Where?--- An overview
Panel lecture for the Symposium on "Vedanta, Ancient Insights and Modern
Science" at R.V Teacher's college, Bangalore ,May 1998.
Towards a Vedantic Approach to Consciousness: The 'hard problem' revisited
Poster Presentation for 'Towards a Science of Consciousness', Tucson III Meet ,
Tucson, Arizona , U.S., April 1998.
Looking into the myth and meaning of 'panchakanya' or the Hindu notion of ideal women
Lecture at the American Academy of Religion Meet in Claremont,
California ,March 1998.
The 'hard' and 'harder' problem of consciousness
Faculty lecture at NIAS , Bangalore, February 1998.
Evolution of mind and consciousness in Indian thought
Lecture at National Institute of Advanced Studies for the University Teachers'
Course ,Bangalore, October 1997.
Towards a Sankarite approach to consciousness: A discussion in the context
of recent interdisciplinary scientific perspectives
Presented (panel on consciousness and science) at the International Vedanta
Congress organised by Miami University and Rishikesh, July 1997.
Is consciousness intentional? A discussion in the context of Indian thought
Lecture for the Faculty of National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, April
Ancient Values from Bhagavad Gita
Lecture at National College, Bangalore, January 1997.
Karma in Bhagavad Gita
Presented at World philosophers' Meet, Poona, November,1996.
The Concept of Consciousness in Bhagavad Gita
Presented (as Resource Person) at the conference on Two faces of
Consciousness , Institute for Yoga and Consciousness & Department of
psychology and parapsychology, Andhra University, Visakh, October 1996.
An existential approach to two levels of consciousness with special reference to the Bhagavad Gita pragmatics
Presented at the conference on Two faces of Consciousness ,Institute for Yoga
and Consciousness & Department of psychology and parapsychology, Andhra University, Visakh, October 1996.
The ontological pragmaticity of Karma in Bhagavad Gita
Presented at 10th World Sanskrit Conference and appeared in Abstract of
Papers, at Bangalore in January1997.
Is philosophy of religion scientific?
Lecture at Seminar on Science and Religion, for the project on History and
philosophy of Science, Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore, December, 1996.
Vedic and Darsana tradition of knowledge communication and methodology
Lecture to the participants of University Grants Commission Teachers' Course,
Bangalore,October 1996.
Work dynamics and Meditation in Bhagavad Gita
Lecture at Veda Adhyayana Kendra, Bangalore, August 1996.
The concept of consciousness in Bhagavad Gita
16 February, Wednesday Lecture, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore,
Intentionality and Integrality in Bhagavad Gita:
A phenomenologico-existential study
Presented at seventh International Vedanta Congress at Madras in
January1996 and appeared in Abstract of Papers.
Philosophical Foundations of Indian Culture
Presented at Indian Council of Philosophical Research Young Scholars' Meet at
Thiruvananthapuram in 1995.
The Gita way of Creative Living
Abstract of Papers, Indian Philosophical Congress at Thiruvananthapuram in 1993.
Person-making Education
Presented at Shri Ramakrishna Ashram at Thiruvananthapuram in January1992
Philosophy and Social Studies
Presented at Indian Council of Philosophical Research Young Scholars' Meet at
Lucknow in 1991. |